Homemakers Wear A Lot of Hats (a.k.a. Costumes)

Monday, October 31, 2011 0 comments
If you weren't sure about me before, after this post you will be sure about one thing: my cheese has slipped off my cracker!  But hey, you can still humor me and enjoy my goofiness or you can just let yourself laugh at me and my weirdness.

So, today was the BIGGEST dress up day of the year and I love dressing up (as you will soon discover).  I couldn't decide what I should be and while considering my options for costumes, I was struck by the many forms and roles a homemaker takes on.  For instance:





My personal favorite happens to be the CEO.  How very important that does sound!  To be the CEO of your own home (that's actually a movie line.  Can anyone name that movie?).  At the end of the day, I chose to be the maid and realistically, I must say that I do tend to find myself performing a maid's duties most often than not.  Any other mamas want to shout out an Amen to that?

So what is the point of this post?  Nada!  Zippoh!  No point!  Just thought I'd show my true colors and hopefully you chuckled at least once!

Signing out.
Yours Truly! 


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